Tails Gin Gimlet 50cl Edward Dillon and Co. Ltd 32411 SPIRITS


Tails Gin Gimlet 50cl


The Perfect Gin Cocktail


Perfect for parties or to enjoy at the weekend, the Tails Cocktails range of premium ready to pour cocktails brings all the flavour and fun of cocktail hour to your home. Crafted with Bombay Sapphire Gin, elderflower liqueur and lime juice, this has all your Gin Gimlet essentials in one bottle. Just add ice, shake and pour!

Product Reviews

Delivery & Returns

No minimum order and if you spend €100 or more we'll deliver your order for free anywhere in Ireland.

Orders are normally delivered within 1-3 working days, (Monday-Friday excluding bank holidays) of you placing the order.

Change your mind? No problem. You can cancel your order at any stage or return some or all of it through any of our stores or we can arrange a collection. Simply contact us by email online@obrienswine.ie and we'll look after the rest.

Regular price €20.00
Sale price €20.00 Regular price

Only 1 in stock



Perfect for parties or to enjoy at the weekend, the Tails Cocktails range of premium ready to pour cocktails brings all the flavour and fun of cocktail hour to your home. Crafted with Bombay Sapphire Gin, elderflower liqueur and lime juice, this has all your Gin Gimlet essentials in one bottle. Just add ice, shake and pour!

Product Reviews

Delivery & Returns

No minimum order and if you spend €100 or more we'll deliver your order for free anywhere in Ireland.

Orders are normally delivered within 1-3 working days, (Monday-Friday excluding bank holidays) of you placing the order.

Change your mind? No problem. You can cancel your order at any stage or return some or all of it through any of our stores or we can arrange a collection. Simply contact us by email online@obrienswine.ie and we'll look after the rest.